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Role - Project Description Partners
Work Package Leader in the EU-FP7 project MODEXTREME (MODelling vegetation responses to EXTREMe Events) (2014-2016). Improving crop, pasture and tree models for the simulation of the impact of extreme events for seasonal and mid-term forecasts.

- INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France);

- CRA (Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Italy);

- UCO (Universidad de Cordoba, Spain);

- WBF-Agroscope (Eidgenoessisches Department Fuer Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung, Switzerland);

- DMI (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut, Denmark);

- UEA (University of East Anglia, UK);

- ISA (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal);

- DUTH (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece);


- IT (INRA Transfert sa, France);

- UHMI (Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute, Ukraine);

- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy);

- EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Brazil);

- INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Argentina);

- UP (University of Pretoria, South Africa);

- CAAS (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China);

- WSU (Washington State University, USA).

Work Package Leader in the EU-FP7 project ERMES (An Earth obseRvation Model based ricE smart information Service) (2014-2016). Developing a prototype of downstream service dedicated to rice sector based on assimilation of EO and in situ data within crop yield modelling.

- CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy);

- SARMAP (SARMAP sa, Switzerland);

- UVEG (Universitat de Valencia, Spain);

- UJI (Universitat Jaume i de Castellon, Spain);

- AUTH (Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, Greece);

- DEMETER (Hellenic Agricultural Organization).

Consortium Leader of the project Agro-Zone Simulator (Agro-ecological Model with an Interface for Assessing Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Systems), funded by The World Bank (2010-2011). Assessing the impact of climate change on crops (rice, wheat, maize, soybean) production and distribution, and identification of adaptation strategies.  
Work Package Leader in the EU-FP7 project E-AGRI (Crop Monitoring as an E-agriculture tool in developing countries) (2011-2013). Development of advanced E-agriculture services in developing countries, by means of crop monitoring. - VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Belgium);
- Alterra (Wageningen University, The Netherlands);
- Joint Research Centre of the European Commission;
- INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Morocco);
- CAAS (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China);
- APEI (Anhui Province Economic Institute, China);
- JAAS (Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science);
- DRSRS (Department of Resource Survey and Remote Sensing).
Work Package Leader in the FIRST-SCENARICE project (Scenario integrated assessment for sustainable rice production systems. Exploring plausible, probable and possible futures for sustainable rice production systems), funded by Agropolis Foundation – Fondazione CARIPLO, 2013-2015.    
Scientific Responsible of the AgroPhenoDB project (Agro-phenological database for CGMS), funded by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - Institute for Environment and Sustainability (2011-2012).    
Responsible of Research Unit in the project GECORSIST (Development of a decision support sustem for hazelnut), funded by Regione Piemonte (2011-2013).    
Scientific Responsible of the APES-BioMA project (Development of an adapter to run the APES modelling solutions into the BioMA framework), funded by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (2010-2011).    
Scientific Responsible of the project "Evaluation of the climate change impact on crop productions in Lombardy", funded by ERSAF-Regione Lombardia (2012-2013).    
Scientific Responsible of the Pre-Harvest Quality project (Analysis and evaluation of models assessing preharvest quality for CGMS crops), funded by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (2010-2011).    
Scientific Responsible of the CropML-WOFOST project (Modular platform for plant modelling: the WOFOST modelling approach implementation in the CropML component), funded by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (2009-2010). The project was aimed at implementing the WOFOST simulation model for potential and water limited crop growth and development into the CropML model library (already including the models WARM and CropSyst).  
Project Manager of the lots V and VI of the ASEMARS project (Enlargement of the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System), funded by the European Commission (2005-2008). Lot V - CALPLAT - was aimed at developing a platform for the automatic calibration of the parameters of the crop simulation models used within the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System.

Lot VI - SANPLAT - was aimed at developing a platform for running spatially distributed sensitivity analyses of the models used within the MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System.

- Alterra (Wageningen University, The Netherlands);
- University of Liège (Arlon, Belgium);
- Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (Gembloux, Belgium);
- Plant Research International - Biometris (Wageningen University, The Netherlands);
- GISAT (Praha, Czech Republic).

- Geosys (Toulouse, France).

Coordinator of the TOPFERT project (Effect of top-dressing nitrogen fertilization on radiation use efficiency: physiology, crop modelling, remote sensing), funded by the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the European Commission (2006-2007). (i) Analyzing and modelling the relationship between rice radiation use efficiency and plant nitrogen concentration;
(ii) developing procedures for estimating rice nitrogen concentration from satellite data;
(iii) developing the prototype of a new system for rice yield forecast at European scale using results from (i) and (ii).


- Department of Crop Production (University of Milano, Italy);
- IREA-CNR, Institute for Electromagnetic sensing of Environment (Milano, Italy).
Project manager of the RiceCrack project, funded by the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the European Commission (2008) project. Developing a model for estimating the percentage of rice affected by grain cracking because of adverse weather conditions in the pre-harvest period. - Department of Crop Production (University of Milano, Italy).
Project Manager of the MARS Rice Bulletins for Europe (launched in 2005), China and India (launched in 2008); within the crop yield forecasting activities of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Developing operational systems to carry out rice yield forecast for Europe, China and India. The systems are based on the WARM model for rice simulations. The Projects' activities were entirely carried out by the Agri4cast Action (Agriculture Unit, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission).
Coordinator of the WARM open research group on modelling rice-based cropping systems, launched in 2005 and still active.


Formalizing the knowledge on the main processes (biotic and a-biotic) influencing rice yields in a new model for paddy rice simulation. - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission;
- Department of Crop Production (University of Milano, Italy);
- Agriculture Research Council (Bologna, Italy);
- IREA-CNR, Institute for Electromagnetic sensing of Environment (Milano, Italy);
- Department of Terrestrial Ecology and Environment (Section of Mycology, University of Pavia, Italy);
- Settore Fitosanitario della Regione Piemonte (Sezione Agrometeorologia, Torino, Italy);
- Italian Association of Agrometeorology.
Project Manager of the CropML project (Crop Model Library), launched in 2008 and still active. Developing a software component implementing different modelling solutions from different generic and crop-specific crop models. - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission;
- Agriculture Research Council (Bologna, Italy).
Project Manager of the AbioticDamage project, launched in 2008 and still active.


Developing a software component implementing different modelling solutions for the simulation of the impact of different kinds of abiotic damages on crop productions. - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission;
- Agriculture Research Council (Bologna, Italy);
- Department of Crop Production (University of Milano, Italy).
Project Manager of the ClimIndices project, launched in 2007 and still active.


Developing a software component implementing several (currently 86) agro-climatic indicators. - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission;
- Agriculture Research Council (Bologna, Italy).

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